Distributor: 316Europe
See what is missing in the new translations of the Bible!
Did you know that the Greek New Testament text historically used down through the centuries by the believing Church has been cast aside and replaced by a radically different Greek text?
Nearly everyone has the impression that the difference in the wording between modern translations and the 1611 King James Bible is mainly due to synonym choices and language changes.Such is not the situation.The outrageous reason is that almost all translations since 1881 have been made from a drastically different Greek text than was used to prepare the older versions.The traditional Greek has been replaced!
Dr. Jones digs deep into the truth of God's Word and separates the sheep from the goats. It allows us to see the outright deception that is happening all in the name of money. Don't miss this opportunity to greater understanding of what Gods Word is and is not.
Table of contents:
Key Passages Missing
Names of Christ and Titles of Deity Missing
More Missing Passages
Hell Diminished or Missing
How Many Missing Words?
See what is missing in the new translations of the Bible!
Did you know that the Greek New Testament text historically used down through the centuries by the believing Church has been cast aside and replaced by a radically different Greek text?
Nearly everyone has the impression that the difference in the wording between modern translations and the 1611 King James Bible is mainly due to synonym choices and language changes.Such is not the situation.The outrageous reason is that almost all translations since 1881 have been made from a drastically different Greek text than was used to prepare the older versions.The traditional Greek has been replaced!
Dr. Jones digs deep into the truth of God's Word and separates the sheep from the goats. It allows us to see the outright deception that is happening all in the name of money. Don't miss this opportunity to greater understanding of what Gods Word is and is not.
Table of contents:
Key Passages Missing
Names of Christ and Titles of Deity Missing
More Missing Passages
Hell Diminished or Missing
How Many Missing Words?
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